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Prefered Pastimes

Proudly presented pages dedicated to a variety of hobbies.

K7LOL radio hobby


Solar cycle 25 has reached its peak. The increasing sunspot and solar flux numbers have made 10 meter DX may a regular occurrence. Check out the ham shack and useful propagation tool.

Amateur Radio

Rocket Launch

Blast OFF

Launching model rockets is great fun and relatively inexpensive as hobbies go. Recovering the rockets you fly is even better and goes a long way toward keeping the hobby affordable. Beeper beacons help us track our birds.

Hobby Rocketry

Tempe Town Lake

Fish ON

Arizonans love their watersports. Believe it or not there are quite a few lakes within an hours drive from Phoenix. A huge resevoir system offer loads of angling opportunities. Spincast a hunk of hot dog and hang on for the Lake Marlin.

Fishing Arizona

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